To our esteemed patients,
We are writing to everyone in our practice with some important and recent changes regarding our office’s insurance participation. For our patients that use (or may plan to use) Aetna Dental Insurance - regretfully, we will be terminating our contract with this insurance company effective sometime in March 2021. We do not have an exact date as of now, but we have chosen to notify our patients and families now to ensure that you are able to prepare for any necessary changes. Please make note of the following so that we can best continue your care accordingly:
o Rest assured, any treatments or visits performed/completed while we participate[d] with Aetna will still be processed with your insurance benefits and at our Aetna-Contracted rates.
o If you wish to find a provider who is in network, please notify our office and we will ensure that an appropriate provider is identified to ensure continuity of your care. If you desire to transfer to an out of network provider, we can assist with that as well and we will identify a qualified oral surgeon to continue your care. However, despite this change in our accepted insurance coverage, our preference is that you remain in our practice if possible to complete the work in progress.
If you continue care with our office, we will no longer be able to honor any contracted rates, or submit any in-network claims to Aetna on your behalf when our affiliation with Aetna is over.
o For Patients being monitored or followed up regularly for one or more of the following:
§ Suspicious or unresolved areas being regularly monitored/watched
§ Areas that were previously biopsied or are planned to be biopsied
§ Facial and Jawbone fractures
§ Patients with active infections
§ Patients who had implant surgery, apicoectomy, sinus lifts or bone graft surgery done in our office.
o We recommend at least one additional follow up with us, and at that point, we can work with you in order to continue your care in our office (out of network), or we can transfer your care to another oral surgeon that is in network with Aetna if you wish. If you would like to find a provider who is in network, please notify our office and we will ensure that an appropriate provider is identified to ensure continuity of your care. However, despite this change in our accepted insurance coverage, our preference is that you remain in our practice if possible.
Please note that if you continue patient care here out of network, we can still help you submit any paperwork you may need for any out-of-network benefits that you may have (if you have any at all). We are not able to verify with Aetna as to whether or not you have out-of-network benefits, for that you would need to call your customer service (phone number on the back of your card) and ask them directly.
We hope to continue as your oral surgeons and we will endeavor to make all efforts to assist you in receiving uninterrupted care. A formal notice from Aetna should be arriving to you, but just in case it does not, we wanted to inform you here. You may also wish to contact Aetna directly using the customer service number on your insurance ID card. Please do not hesitate to call us with any questions or concerns.
Dr. Emil Cappetta
Oral Maxillofacial Associates of Montclair