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TMJ Disorders

Our Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) is the connector between the upper portion of our mandible (lower jaw) and the skull, an area just in front of our ears. This is the joint that allows us to chew, speak, yawn, and move our lower jaw properly. Many patients can be bothered with symptoms of clicking, popping, jaw locking, or even chronic pain of the TMJ; OMA is here to help. 

There are many reasons why you may be having problems with your TMJ. There may be problems with joint cushioning and lubrication, the bones or ligaments in the region, perhaps the muscle that attach nearby, or even a neurological issue of the nerves associated with the TMJ. This can happen from trauma, clenching of teeth/bruxism, age-related arthritis, or changes in nerve function. 

All of these reasons have different etiologies and different treatment modalities. Let OMA diagnose your TMJ problem so that we can direct your treatment towards a better TMJ. 

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